2,620 Fetal deaths in VAERS After COVID Shots

The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are considered a taboo that the corrupt media keeps from the public. The side effects do not only affect adults and children, but also premature fetuses, which often die. The number of fetal deaths following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to pregnant women is rising sharply. There are now 2,620 fetal deaths reported in VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System).

The number of fetal deaths after COVID-19 vaccination is increasing

This is information that the public must know. When we run the exact same search in VAERS and exclude the COVID-19 shots, we find 2,225 fetal deaths following ALL vaccines injected into pregnant women for the past 30+ years.  (Source)

Following COVID-19 vaccination, 2838 fetal deaths are now reported annually. The yearly average of recorded fetal deaths following the vaccination of pregnant women for the past 30 years has been an average of 74 fetal deaths per year.

In October, 2021, the New England Journal of Medicine admitted that the original study used to justify the CDC and the FDA in recommending the shots to pregnant women was flawed. (Source)

It is insane that the vaccine be given to pregnant women

This is a proven fact. Pregnant women should be very careful because the vaccine can kill their fetus. Since then, researchers in New Zealand have conducted a new study on the original data, and concluded:

A re-analysis of these figures indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion ranging from 82% (104/127) to 91% (104/114), 7–8 times higher than the original authors ’results. (Source)

The CDC and FDA recommended the shots for pregnant women, even though a correct analysis on the original data shows that 82% to 91% of pregnant women will suffer miscarriages if their unborn child is less than 20 weeks old. (Source)

And yet the CDC and FDA continue to recommend the COVID-19 shots, which now also include booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna meaning a pregnant woman can now be injected with 3 COVID-19 shots during her pregnancy.

Of the 2,620 fetal deaths in VAERS following COVID-19 shots, 2,015 of these fetal deaths follow Pfizer injections, and 689 of them follow the Moderna injections. (Source)

The VAERS system is very important. VAERS is a passive system that is severely under reported. The CDC and FDA have never conducted a study to determine what this under-reported factor is, but independent scientists have. there have probably been at least 107,420 fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections so far. And how many of these women will be able to get pregnant again?

The Hearld in Scotland reports:

An investigation has been launched into a spike in deaths among newborn babies in Scotland. Control and warning limits are designed to flag up to public health teams when neonatal, stillbirth or other infant deaths are occurring at unexpectedly high or low levels which may not be due to chance.

Although the rate fluctuates month to month, the figure for September – at 4.9 per 1000 live births – is on a par with levels that were last typically seen in the late 1980s. (Full article)

Vaccine injections from AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna and others are a dangerous experiment, and it is insane that these injections be given to pregnant women.

Source: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/2610-dead-babies-in-vaers-after-covid-shots-more-fetal-deaths-in-11-months-than-past-30-years-following-all-vaccines-as-scotland-begins-investigation/

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