About Leakshare

Information is more than just knowledge or empty data, information is a tool, which can change the world. We live in a time when people on all continents are connected by the Internet and information is becoming a powerful weapon that can solve many problems, provide aid to many locations and draw attention to anything that is not in order. Information has the power to change the world for the better but it needs to find its way to the surface and not remain concealed. LeakShare.org was established as an opportunity for everybody to share information and make it available to everyone.

Do you have information, news, stories or knowledge that the world should know about? We will gladly publish it. This website serves the purpose of public education, it is free for everyone and you can publish your posts for free. We can publish these post completely anonymously, using your name or nickname, if you want. We will publish any article except advertisements. Send your articles to info@leakshare.org or fill in the form. We will check them and publish them immediately.

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