Man is afraid that he will come into contact with some types of bacteria, on the contrary, he appreciates others for their beneficial work in our intestines. Researchers in Hong Kong have found that one type of dreaded bacterium...
New York - London route in 3 hours. Does it sound like science fiction? The South African technology mogul v claims that it is possible with a supersonic transport aircraft. The revolution in air travel surpasses the well-known Gripen...
We all know that cutting down trees is bad. We also know that paper comes from trees. Paper, we use so heavily in our everyday lives, that we may not even realize the amount of it. Products such as...
Alstom introduces a zero-emission passenger train. The success is that the train is powered by hydrogen, and its performance is comparable to diesel units. In addition, it is quiet and cleverly treats energy. Green Trasport Industries need to take significantly reduce...
Many people believed that climate change occurs slowly and manifests itself slowly. The reality is that the climate can change very quickly and have very rapid effects on our civilization. This year we are witnessing severe impacts caused by...
Be conscious of the toxic chemicals that may be in the cosmetics and toiletries you use. To reduce your risk of exposure to chemicals that may be linked to cancer or other health problems, try to avoid products containing...
Giraffes are beautiful and unique animals belonging to the most important members of the animal kingdom in Africa. Unfortunately, the giraffe population is continuously decreasing and stopping this decline is unsuccessful. The giraffe population has decreased by up to...
The speed of the Brazil’s Amazon rainforest deforestation is gaining massive proportions. The rainforest is now disappearing at 3 football fields per minute speed and is approaching a level of destruction from which it will never recover. Some areas...
It is no secret that bees belong to the rapidly disappearing and endangered species . The world fast food chain has made a marketing move in the form of “green help” to honey bees. Critics say the company is...
Plastic ocean waste caused the death of hundreds of thousands of hermit crabs on the Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. Scientists are worried that this tragedy is only the beginning of a global cascading effect that may occur. The research...
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