How Does This Naked Man Live Zero-footprint Lifestyle?

Man who needs no money, soap, or toilet paper – does it remind you of an Indian from the Peruvian Yagua tribe or an Australian bushman? A man who lives in harmony with nature is named Mira Ahimsa, and he comes from the heart of Europe.

Fifteen years ago, Mira decided to detach himself from all conventions, material possessions, and not leave behind a carbon footprint. He exchanged the consumerist, material way of life for a life of peace and harmony in nature.

“I was wondering if I was strong enough. So, I took all things to the trash. I only kept my passport and sleeping bag, and simply went to live “, Mira describes the zero-footprint lifestyle beginning.

Food and Clothing

A half-naked man from the Czech Republic never buys new things. He consumes fallen fruits and food from garbage cans. To build a shelter, he uses only things from nature and what he finds among the garbage, including clothes.

“It seems to me that society is pushing too far forward. We have had everything for a long time. Everything is in surplus. When I walk through the trash cans for ten minutes, I have food for a week and clothes for a month. I have to choose which chocolate I want because there are so many that I won’t take them all. “


A free man does not need nail clippers, washing gel, or toilet paper. Mira takes a bath anywhere anytime he wants, in a lake or river.

“Overgrown nails break off on their own. When you have a healthy feces, you don’t need toilet paper. Let the clothes hang out in the fresh air for two weeks; the wind and rain will rid the laundry of dirt and sweat. “Ahimsa explains an attitude to natural hygienic habits.

Zero Footprint?

Naturally, Mira doesn’t own a cell phone. But sometimes he hitchhikes or uses the internet to connect with friends.

“That’s why I go to the forest to collect garbage because wifi radiation, electricity, and car fuel are a burden on nature.”

Once in civilization, he begins to clean up his surroundings. He pulls out garbage suitable for recycling from the bins and places it in containers for sorted waste with his bare hands.

For several years, he inhabited caves in Granada, Spain. Unconventional man spends the winters in southern European countries and goes north in the summers. Last year, he went to the Arctic Circle in Sweden. He travels “like a migratory bird,” as he says.

Mira Ahimsa proofs that an ecologically zero-footprint lifestyle is possible.

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