Nicotine successfully destroys nanotechnology and dangerous viruses

Why is there such a big effort in the world to regulate nicotine products? Nicotine has proven to be an effective means of destroying nanotechnology as well as viruses. Many people were shocked to find out that the “vaccines” against COVID-19 are full of nanotechnology. Unfortunately, nanotechnology has also been found elsewhere, for example in dental anesthetics. In this article, we will introduce two discoveries. In the first discovery, a scientist shows how nicotine can destroy nanotechnology. In the second, the power of nicotine to destroy viruses is presented.

Nicotine destroys nanotec

Researcher Rafa Calvin made this Discovery by isolating a sample of dental anesthetic for 30 days, then applying a nicotine mixture taken from a solution of 1 gram of Tabacco and 5ccs of distille water.
In the video below, you can see that when the nicotine mixture interacts with the nanotechnology, the structures disintegrate and disappear completely.

Nicotine kills viruses

Nicotine has been shown to be extremely effective against Corona, said Dr. Bryan Ardis in an interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson.

Ardis pointed to a Wisconsin hospital that had a ward full of COVID-19 smokers in 2021. The doctor had read that smokers were at the lowest risk of corona. Since the hospital is not allowed to smoke, he wondered what would happen if smoking was allowed.

He decided to put a nicotine patch on their hand and what happened? All the patients recovered and were able to go home after five days.

NICOTINE is a proven effective deterrent against COVID, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Tourette’s, MS and autism. And they are banning it like IVERMECTIN. NICOTINE, ANTIDOTE FOR COVID, loss of taste and smell “Every virus on earth can be defeated with nicotine: flu, corona, measles, rabies, HIV, polio,” says Dr. Bryan Ardis.

Nicotine is a cancer cure, Ardis stressed. He noted that many countries have already announced plans to phase out nicotine and tobacco products by 2030. There is a reason for this, he said.

The government claims that nicotine is addictive and harmful to health, but that is not true, Dr. Ardis claims, a deliberate lie.

Nicotine from the tobacco plant fights Parkinson’s, but also Alzheimer’s, MS, arthritis, diabetes and autism. Nicotine also helps against brain tumors, as research has shown during the pandemic.

Did you know that vegetables such as tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, peppers and eggplant contain nicotine?

Did you also know that potatoes contain nicotine? Every time you eat a potato, you ingest nicotine. Why are we afraid of nicotine when it is found in our vegetables? Why do they only say it is in tobacco? If nicotine were truly addictive, you would be addicted to eggplant, cauliflower or celery. Do you have colleagues who occasionally take a celery break?

You can’t become addicted to nicotine, says Ardis. This is the conclusion that Harvard researchers reached in 2015 after evaluating 7 million documents from tobacco giants.

You may be wondering how tobacco products can be addictive? Tobacco companies can add numerous chemicals to their products, some of which are highly addictive.

Nicotine will not only defeat Corona, but all viruses on earth, says Ardis.


Image: Screenshot – video

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