Mushrooms Disrupt the Earth’s Ozone Layer More than Human

Scientists, in the 1970s, showed that ozone depletion is due to the release of some substances into the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone...

Laniakea: Fascinating Home of The Milky Way and Thousands of Other...

What is the Laniakea? Every galaxy in the Universe has home in giant supercluster and the Milky Way has home in the Laniakea, the...

Paris Opens the World’s Largest Rooftop Urban Farm in Early 2020

If you are a fan of “green projects” that are environmentally friendly, the growing project in the southwestern part of Paris, France, will surely...

Disturbing Video Shows How Fragile The Human Brain Is

The human brain is the most powerful and least understood part of the human body. But do you know, how fragile truly is? Although...

Svalbard Reindeer Are Dying of Starvation

Scientists have found more than 200 reindeer bodies on the island of Svalbard, lying in an archipelago of glaciers and frozen tundra between the...

Artist Created Maps of Nuclear detonations from 1945 to 2019

Peter Atwood is a cartography fan and great artist and from Nova Scotia, Canada. He created a precious series of illuminated maps that will...