5 danger toxins harmful to the brain

How much can the toxins impact your life? A lot. In populations exposed to high amounts of toxins, researchers can often see a pattern...

Do you using essential oils? These essential oils can be dangerous

What are essential Oils? An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled by steam or water from the leaves, stems, flowers, barks,...

Shocking statistics of Alzheimer’s disease in the USA

Statistics of Alzheimer’s disease in the USA are really shocking. Alzheimer's is a condition thatcauses problems with memory thinking and behaviour - it is...

What do you need to know about ZIKA?

Zika is a dangerous viral infection spread by mosquites, it is possible to get zika also through sexual transmission and mother to fetus during...

35% of the US population is obese today

More than 65% of Americans are overweight to obese. The guilt is mainly eating through fast food. Surveys show that 90% of men in...

Check your cosmetics for these dangerous chemicals

Be conscious of the toxic chemicals that may be in the cosmetics and toiletries you use. To reduce your risk of exposure to chemicals...