Restored Wetlands Bring Life Back to 1,000 Acres in Australia

A small non-profit organization has acquired 1,000 acres of Australian plantations to restore it to wetlands. The main project idea is to return animals that the area has long lacked.

Disappeared Wetlands

According to some sources, 85% of wetlands are lost due to agriculture and urbanization. Wetlands are a great breeding ground for many diverse species of wild animals.

Mark Bachmann up to his neck in the Bunnugal Drain showing the new water level at the regulator site, image credit: NatureGelengTrtust

A group of scientists at the small local non-profit organization Nature Glenelg, led by Mark Bachmann, negotiated the purchase of 1,000 acres of barren land – Bluegum Plantation. The main impulse was the moment when Bachmann saw a platypus. Biologists are worried about the platypus’ future, which are losing natural habitats due to drought.

Wetlands Restoring

The 1000-acre area has functioned as a plantation since 2000, after being gradually drained for 200 years. After a successful meeting in 2014, the ecologists agreed with the plantation managers on a trial operation. Local volunteers helped build a makeshift weir. In 2018, ecologists bought the land with state funding help.

Photo credit: NatureGlenelg

The platypus condition show that the whole team and volunteers work on the wetlands is successful. Based on a visual inspection the fauna and flora are doing well. Species that lived in the original wetlands are returning to the site, including frogs, birds, and endangered fish.

Brohla at wetland. Photo by Mike’s Birds from Riverside, CA, US – Brolga, CC BY-SA 2.0,

The work also consisted of felling larch trees, which consume a lot of water. Instead, they have planted shrubs that are more natural and safer for nesting birds.

Last year there was only one pair of brolga in Victoria. But now biologists have counted about 600 individuals. So far, Nature Glenelg has restored 3 Australian wetlands.


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