See a map showing geoengineering experiments around the world

ETC Group and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have developed an interactive world map showing geoengineering experiments aimed at alleged climate change. The map identifies more than 1,700 projects around the world, including carbon capture, solar radiation control, weather modification and other methods.

There are many more experiments

Of course, this is far from all the projects, as many are not carried out by specialized companies, but under the supervision of a given military or government. Moreover, this map only includes projects that are in some way related to the climate agenda.

A list of the types of projects that the geoengineering monitor map recognizes can be found HERE. These include the injection of stratospheric aerosol, colloquially known as chemtrails, but only in the context of cloud seeding and blocking sunlight.

A map of geoengineering interventions can be found here:

The website’s “weather modification” section mentions lasers being used to bombard clouds to change the Earth’s albedo, and includes an article about an American intelligence service weaponizing the weather.

Geoengineering aims to manipulate the Earth’s natural climate

Geoengineering is the large-scale manipulation of environmental processes that affect the Earth’s climate with the aim of halting global warming, but its effectiveness and potential risks are still being debated. Essentially, it is an intervention carried out under the completely false pretext of claiming that human-produced CO2 has an impact on the climate. This claim, which has been refuted many times, is therefore not only a pretext for implementing the draconian policies of the Green Deal, but also for similar interventions.
The Bill Gates-backed project is one of hundreds of geoengineering projects around the world that aim to manipulate environmental processes to stop global warming through methods such as injecting chemical aerosols into the atmosphere and sucking carbon dioxide out of the air.

The Gates project has already launched balloons over Baja, Mexico, that release sunlight-reflecting aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere, raising concerns about the potential risks and consequences of geoengineering projects. Geoengineering projects also include ocean fertilization and reforestation, but some scientists worry that these expensive efforts could backfire, causing destructive weather patterns and exacerbating climate change.

An interactive map from the ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation reveals the locations of thousands of geoengineering projects around the world.

It’s no secret that the world’s elite are trying to block out the sun. Geoengineering interventions are being carried out around the world. These interventions can cause droughts, floods and endanger the lives of a huge number of people. The creators of the geoengineering map warn that the injection of aerosols could cause droughts in Africa and Asia, affect the monsoons and threaten the food and water supply for two billion people. However, these interventions can of course have the same effect in Europe, where they are carried out quite a lot in a relatively small area (much more than in the much larger Africa). The question is therefore to what extent some climatic phenomena are influenced by these interventions and to what extent they are still natural…

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