The use of pharmaceuticals, especially in the long term, can cause further illness, disability or even death. In each package leaflet, you can find a wide range list of side effects, but no one wonders about them. Many drugs contain derivatives of natural substances under long-term unknown names. Prescription drug spending has been rising at double-digit rates since 1980.

Side Effects

In 1994, more than 2.2 million US hospital patients experienced adverse drug reactions. 106,000 of these patients died due to the harmful effects of pharmaceutical drugs. This was considered the fourth highest cause of human death in the United States, according the book Risks of Prescription Drugs, published by Columbia University Press and published by Donald W. Light.

Drugs pose the greatest risk to women, the elderly and people with disabilities. The question is why these three risk groups are the least included in clinical trials.

Natural Substances Under the “Chemical” Designation

Medicines contain natural ingredients derived from plants, minerals and sometimes animals. In the composition are given under the long-winded, for laics, unknown term. For example, tetrahydropalmatin is prescribed as a sedative and analgesic. The traditional name for this drug is Corydalis, a Chinese herb related to poppy.

You have two options, you can have tetrahydropalmatin capsules prescribed and pay well, or you can look for herbalists and use the drug in its original herbal form.

Symptomatic Treatment

Regular patient needs to take medication once or several times a day to maintain optimal level in blood. The effect of the drug brings relief. Pharmaceuticals generally suppress the symptoms of the disease but do not cure the cause. This is a called symptomatic treatment, which means that you are only suppressing the symptoms of the disease but are not actually treating yourself.

The First Cure Is Just the Beginning

For many long-term illnesses, medication must be taken before the end of life. Although the drug does not address the cause of the disease, patients are dependent on it because they are maintained in a normal state.

Prolonged use of drugs often causes other diseases or disorders for which doctors prescribe other drugs. There are cases where two prescribed medications are contraindicated to each other, and the patient is forced to take a third medication just to take the two previous medications.

The Decision Is up to You

Do not be afraid of an open discussion with your doctor if you would like to prefer an alternative treatment. Nobody can force you into anything. Everyone has the right to decide for their health.

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