Do you think that climate change is a problem of a future? No, It is a present problem. Absent any change, the average global temperatures will rise 4 degrees Celsius by 2100. Thats’ll be bad, but it’s already wreaking havoc.
Since 1901 sea levels have risen 8 inches. Since 1901, surface temperatures is up 0,86 degrees Celsius. In 2017, extreme weather events resulted in 326 billion of dollars in economic loses. That’s nearly the number of loses in 2016.
Huricane Harvey cost 125 billion dollars. Climate change made the intensity of Hurricane Harvey three and a half times more likely to happen. 157 million more people experienced a heat wave in 2016 than in 2000.

In 2015 alone, the California drought cost 10.100 agricultural jobs, 900 million dollars in lost crops, 540.000 acres of land. Temperature and precipitation changes are also the reason disease cases from infected mosquitos, ticks, and fleas have tripled in 13 years.

And wildfires?

That’s life right now. This will be life in 2100. In parts of the Midwest, farms will produce less than 75% of the corn they produce today.

Chicago will start to resemble Phoenix, with up to two months of 100-degree days. California’s Central Valley, America’s principal source of fruits, vegetables, and nuts, will become uninhabitable by those plants.

Labor-related losses from extreme heat could reach 155 billion dollars annually. The arctic will lose all of its sea ice in the later summer. Some coastal sea levels could rise as much as 10 feet. If sea levels rise just 3,3 feet, dozens of power plants notionwide will experience floods, jeopardizing 25 gigawatts of power.
If it rises just 6 feet, 1,9 million homes in the US could end up underwater. In the worst-case scenario, climate change will cost the US more than 10% of its GDP. The climate will change and our world will change with it.