Utrecht, the Netherlands, turns bus stops into bee habitats

bee bus stop

Given the massive worldwide decline in pollinating insects, any idea that could support an increase in its population, especially bees, is welcome. The Dutch city of Utrecht came up with an original solution. The Netherlands is home to 358 bee species, half of which are endangered and included in the Dutch Red List.

Bus stops with roofs full of flowers

The country leaders have, therefore, decided to develop innovative solutions and want to turn bus stops into places that offer a friendly environment for bees, bumblebees and other pollinating insects. Already, 316 bus stops have been transformed, and their roofs are covered by green plants.

Insect rescue solutions and better urban environments

Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, located in the very heart of the country. Bus stops with green roofs look much better, support the city’s diminishing biodiversity, and also help catch dust and retain rainwater.

It is a great way to bring more green spaces to big cities while helping the environment. Utrecht tries to promote also other positive changes to improve the environment, such as the installation of solar panels at stops or the replacement of existing buses with electric ones by 2028 to reduce the carbon content in the air.

Source: provincie-utrecht.nl, boredpanda.com/city-in-netherlands-transforms-bus-stops-into-bee-stops-utrecht

Credits: instagram.com/p/Bym9pvNoJMn, instagram.com/p/By_A34RISkN, twitter.com/JOLANDAVGINKEL

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