Studies show that increased amounts of exercise can make people live longer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an average of 2.5-5 hours of practice should be included in the weekly regimen. But a new study says up to 10 hours of active movement is needed.
More Exercise Can Prolong Life
According to the WHO, 150 to 300 minutes (2.5-5 hours) of moderate exercise or 75 minutes to 2.5 hours of vigorous activity is enough to prolong life. Information from a 2018 study. However, a new study of 116,000 adults who reported physical activity over 30 years says more movement is needed.

According to the WHO, physical activity is more or less demanding and affects life expectancy. New research confirms this, but at the same time shows that even more movement than recommended by the WHO brings optimal results. For example, less demanding activities include brisk walking, mowing the lawn, or playing tennis doubles. On the other hand, mountain hiking, running, or playing football are considered intense.
More Activities Are Needed
The fewest cases of premature death in this study were in the groups that spent 2.5 to 5 hours a week of vigorous exercise or 5 to 10 hours of moderate activity, said study author Dong Hon Lee of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

“You might think that ten hours of moderate exercise a week is a lot and that it can’t be done when you have all the other responsibilities,” says Lee. But according to scientists, exercise needs to be incorporated into the daily routine to become part of it.
Experts advise: You don’t need to start exercising intensively right away. Even 11 minutes of daily active movement affects life expectancy. Instead, take a quick walk outside or on the treadmill, do yoga, or dance to three tracks.
Seatured features: image by Meng Tang from Pixabay