10,000 Minks Bred for Their Fur Are Set Free

Before the minks were killed, anonymous activists released about 10,000 animals from a fur farm in the eastern US into the wild. According to activists who lean on the Oxford study, minks bred in captivity can adapt in the wild.

Activists Released 10,000 Minks

Several tens of millions of minks, foxes, chinchillas, and other animals die every year just because people like their beautiful fur. In mid-November, activists from the Animal Liberation Front reportedly broke into a fur farm in Ohio and freed 10,000 minks. However, up to 40,000 animals were housed in the damaged Lion Farms USA.

Credit: Oikeutta eläimille

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office said in a press release that pealing season is ending. Minks around the age of seven months are being electrocuted anally and gassed in a traveling chamber – utter disrespect to the animal for producing luxury fashion products for humans.

Can Minks Survive in the Wild?

The farms’ owners say there is no point in releasing the minks because they would meet the same fate as in large farms. However, activists argue that “farmed minks retain their wild instincts and can successfully assimilate into their natural environment after release” – this is the conclusion of a 2009 Oxford University study.

Credit: Oikeutta eläimille

“Despite being kept in cages throughout their short and brutal lives, minks in captivity remain genetically wild and have been shown to be able to survive in the wild by the time they are several months old,” stated Animal Liberation Press Office.

The Animal Liberation Front, which fights against the abuse, exploitation, and suffering of animals in industry, did not consider that minks are small predators and can threaten other local wild, domesticated, and farmed animals. The group is known for committing arson, destroying property, trying to free animals, and making farms’ economic situation difficult.

Source: greenmatters.com/big-impact/ohio-mink-release, photo credit: Oikeutta Elaimille on Flickr

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