11 Random Facts That Show That America Is Rotting And Decaying Right In Front Of Our Eyes

We are in far more trouble than most people realize.  Fentanyl and other drugs are ravaging our cities, and homelessness, poverty and hunger are rapidly growing all around us.  Meanwhile, our federal government, our state governments, and our local governments are drowning in debt, and economic conditions are steadily deteriorating.  Corruption is rampant, incompetence is seemingly everywhere, and the moral decay of our society is accelerating.  Unfortunately, much of the population is completely oblivious to what is going on because they are deeply addicted to the electronic gadgets that they are constantly staring at.  The following are 11 random facts that show that America is rotting right in front of our eyes…

#1 A new study has discovered that smartphones “are making teenagers more aggressive” and are causing them to “hallucinate”

Smartphones are making teenagers more aggressive, detached from reality and causing them to hallucinate, according to new research.

Scientists concluded the younger a person starts using a phone, the more likely they would be crippled by a whole host of psychological ills after surveying 10,500 teens between 13 and 17 from both the US and India for the study, by Sapien Labs.

“People don’t fully appreciate that hyper-real and hyper-immersive screen experiences can blur reality at key stages of development,” addiction psychologist Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, who was not part of the team who did the study, told The Post.

#2 According to Bloomberg, our cost of living crisis is driving more working Americans than ever to seek assistance from food banks

Once a month, Kersstin Eshak visits a food pantry in Loudoun County, Virginia to stretch her family’s budget.

Eshak’s husband works at a big box retailer. She works as a substitute teacher. They have income, but with prices up nearly 23% over the past five years — and still rising — their earnings just don’t stretch quite far enough some months.

Food banks across the nation are seeing a similar story: A post-pandemic wave of demand for food driven by working people caught in America’s cost-of-living crunch.

#3 The U.S. national debt was sitting at about 10 trillion dollars when Barack Obama first entered the White House.  Today, it is sitting at 36.2 trillion dollars.

#4 Criminals freely roam the streets, but a pastor in Ohio could face jail time for using his church to house the homeless…

The only problem is that while opening up his church — Dad’s Place in Bryan, Ohio — to the homeless, he’s also opened himself up to the reality of city code.

“Pastor Avell has known that this was not permitted use and that he does not have firewalls, he does not have sprinkler systems,” said Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade. “The kind of things you need in a residential facility. “

#5 A cryptocurrency called “Fartcoin” that was created as a joke currently has a market capitalization of 847 million dollars.

#6 Fentanyl is absolutely destroying communities all over America.  For example, check out what has been happing in Las Cruces, New Mexico…

Las Cruces authorities say they first encountered fentanyl in 2018. In 2020, they confiscated a total of 461 pills.

In 2021, the first year of the Biden administration, fentanyl seizures exploded to more than 22,600 – and continued rising: roughly 70,000 pills were seized in 2022 and nearly 86,000 in 2023.

“It wasn’t in Las Cruces, and then it was, and then it was everywhere. In 2021, it really intensified and we’ve seen that the past few years. During that same period from 2018 to 2021, we saw a huge increase in crime: an 85% increase in violent crime and a 71% increase in property crime,” Las Cruces Chief of Police Jeremy Story stated last year during a virtual press conference on New Mexico’s fentanyl epidemic.

#7 In 2024, corporate bankruptcies in the United States reached the highest level “since the 2008 financial crisis”.

#8 We don’t hear much about cargo theft, but it reached a staggering 454 million dollars in 2024.  That was a brand new all-time record high

Cargo theft hit a record high in the U.S. and Canada for the second consecutive year, and the trend is expected to continue as criminal enterprises have become more sophisticated in their methods.

Verisk CargoNet’s annual analysis released this week found that cargo theft surged 27% from 2023 to 2024, hitting a record 3,625 reported incidents last year with an average value of $202,364 per theft. All told, the losses are estimated at more than $454 million.

#9 According to the New York Times, 15 percent of the “women” in our federal prisons are transgender.

#10 Most of the foods on our grocery store shelves are “highly processed”, and since “highly processed foods” are less expensive many U.S. consumers tend to gravitate to them…

Next time you walk down the aisles of your local grocery store, take a closer look at what’s actually available on those shelves. A stunning report reveals the majority of food products sold at major U.S. grocery chains are highly processed, with most of them priced significantly cheaper than less processed alternatives.

In what may be the most comprehensive analysis of food processing in American grocery stores to date, researchers examined over 50,000 food items sold at Walmart, Target, and Whole Foods to understand just how processed our food supply really is. Using sophisticated machine learning techniques, they developed a database called GroceryDB that scores foods based on their degree of processing.

#11 Homelessness in the U.S. is at the highest level ever recorded, and it is increasing at the fastest pace ever recorded.

We desperately need change in this country.

And you are never too young to be part of that change.  Just check out how old some of our founding fathers were in 1776…

  • James Monroe was 18 years old.
  • Aaron Burr was 20 years old.
  • John Marshall was 20 years old.
  • Alexander Hamilton was 21 years old.
  • James Madison was 25 years old
  • John Jay was 30 years old.
  • Thomas Jefferson was 33 years old.

If we truly want to make this country great again, we need to rediscover the values and principles that once made this country so great.

Our nation is in the condition that it is today because of the choices that we have made.

If we want to turn things around, we must start making better choices.  Anyone that does not understand this is just being delusional.

Article by Michael Snyder

Source: https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/11-random-facts-that-show-that-america-is-rotting-and-decaying-right-in-front-of-our-eyes

Image: Pixabay.com

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