New CO2 pasteurization technology can extend the shelf life of food without freezing

Most people consider freezing food to be the most effective way to store it. Preservatives are often added to keep foods longer. However, such substances change the taste of food and are also often not healthy for the body. A sturt-up, Farther Farms, was formed in New York. The company’s goal is to ensure that food lasts longer without the need to freeze it or use chemical preservatives.

Use of CO2 for pasteurization and food preservation

Food is one of the most common types of waste. Huge amounts of food are wasted every day just because it has expired. When food is harvested, at that moment the imaginary clock begins to tick, counting down the shelf life of the food. Farther Farms has patented CO2 pasteurization technology that will allow food to stay at room temperature for more than 90 days.

Vipul Saran, co-founder and chief technology officer said: “By reducing dependency on the cold chain, we are leapfrogging a major limitation and creating new global opportunities. The sustainable, CO2-based technology we’ve developed at Farther Farms is already taking French fries farther than they’ve ever gone before – and we’re gearing up to do the same for foods across the spectrum. ”

French fries that have a shelf life of 3 months

The company started with a favorite dish, which is french fries. The fries were made by the company using sustainable carbon dioxide technology. Without added preservatives and without the need for freezing, it lasts at room temperature for 3 months. Farther Farms puts them into special packaging, and fills it with supercritical CO2, preventing damage from oxidation, and suffocating bacteria.

French fries are just the beginning

French fries are not the only food that can be pasteurized with CO2, it is possible to supply the entire supply chain. The company’s technology uses CO2 at high pressures and moderate temperatures (“supercritical CO2”) as a key working fluid for pasteurization. Until now, high-temperature steam or other methods that have had an adverse effect on food have been used for pasteurization.

Pasteurization using supercritical CO2 protects the food’s integrity and nutritional value, ensures food safety, and extends shelf-life without the need for additional preservatives. As this technology spreads, so many people will not be dependent on the use of refrigerating appliances, which make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that up to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the need to keep temperatures low in freezers.

Revolution in the food system

“Food processing technologies have the power to transform the food system, yet we have not had a system-level breakthrough since Clarence Birdseye first invented freezing technology in the 1920s. Our CO2-based technology has the potential to change that,” said Mike Annunziata, co-founder and chief executive officer, Farther Farms. “As we grow our product portfolio of viable alternatives to frozen foods, we can reduce the need for expensive capital investment in the cold chain without sacrificing convenience and quality.”

Farther Farms developed its technology at Cornell University, a leading food science institution. The company has huge potential and has gained many investors. If this technology spreads around the world, it will mean less food being thrown away and also less greenhouse gas emissions.


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