There are now 85 Sharia courts operating in the UK

Few people know that in most European Islamized countries, Sharia courts have been operating for some time. Although they are not integrated into the regular judicial system, they have been operating in parallel for many years.

In these courts, you cannot send anyone to prison or officially punish them with death; only family-type matters such as marriages and Sharia divorces are allowed.

Basically, it works like this: officially – before the authorities of a given European country – only one marriage is concluded, but in reality a given Muslim often has 2 or 3 wives, and the “extra” ones are only recognized according to Sharia law, but are not officially related at all.

These are often child brides or wives who are registered as single mothers before the authorities of a given country, so they have greater social benefits. Child brides are often officially reported as “nieces” or other relatives, while in the Islamic legal system they are recognized as wives. This practice has spread massively, especially in Great Britain, where it has been used for more than 40 years.

It is conceivable that in time the jurisdiction of these courts will be extended to criminal matters, which is not currently possible. Sharia courts, based on Islamic law, were established in London in 1982 and now have 85 branches across the country.

Officially, they serve as informal bodies that issue religious judgments on marriage and divorce, but their authority and popularity are growing, attracting Muslims from across Europe and North America to seek religious rulings on family matters.

This “sharia” refers to the views of Islamic scholars, which developed from the 7th to the 13th centuries based on the teachings of Muhammad. It is estimated that there are 100,000 Islamic marriages in the UK. However, most of these are not even officially registered with civil authorities. Sharia courts also deal with divorces, although this is quite problematic when the woman wants a divorce.

For men, divorce is very simple: a Muslim simply has to say the word “divorce” three times in a row. Women, however, have to go through an extremely complicated process. But Sharia courts also mean that polygamy, as recognised by Islam, has already been normalised.

But secular Western lawyers warn that such advice undermines the principle of “one law for all” and often has a negative impact on children, who are awarded custody of their fathers in the event of divorce – including the youngest children, who are often dependent on their mothers.

But according to the progressive British government, Sharia courts are of course not the problem – and the reasoning is bizarre: “Sharia law is not part of the law in England and Wales.”

However, Muslims, especially in family law, are guided primarily by their Islamic courts and do not care how many wives the system recognises.

The question is how long it will take for Sharia to become the main legal system in Britain. And that includes criminal law – including stoning and executions.

It seems that this will continue to be the case in this century…


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