On Wednesday, Rebel News reporters confronted Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual conference in Davos, Switzerland. Watch the explosive video below: https://twitter.com/RebelNewsOnline/status/1615770518606561282
God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity. (Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from NewsPunch.com) According to the WEF, a...
There is a frequency that has been hidden from people for many years. It is a frequency of 528 HZ. It is the frequency of pure life during which DNA can transform and amazing things happen. 528 HZ, this...
What we perceive as reality is actually just an illusion. From a young age, we live in the lies that we see on TV, on the computer and that we learn in school. However, the world is changing. Every...

Are You Ready To Wake Up?

Do you feel small and insignificant? Many people think they are just small puppets in a big world. Your importance is much greater than you think. If you feel confused in your life, it is high time to change...
We were born into a system where most people are slaves. They behave as the system expects them to do every day. Some people find strength in themselves and detach themselves from the system, start thinking freely and independently....
World Death Organization is the next documentary from filmmakers Eric Abbenante and Lila Hart after the cult classic release of "American History of Voter Fraud" July 4th 2022. World Death Organization is the first film in the history of cinema...
Yesterday was the world premiere of one of the most awaited movies of the year, "The Real Anthony Fauci." In this movie you can learn detailed information about what this man is and how he got his power. Anthony...
Countries from all over the world send huge amounts of money to Ukraine. Where does this money end up? Is there evidence that this money will arrive here? While some believe that the money will be used to rebuild...
Economies around the world are collapsing. The world is experiencing something it has never experienced before. More and more people are finally starting to believe that the world elites are trying to push the world into a great reset...
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