They are young adults who will readily choose technocracy over democracy or other forms of representative government. In Britain’s case, citizens have been plagued by political corruption, crime, a failing legal system and multiculturalism. The problem is trust: Generation Z “embrace radicalism and authoritarianism amid ‘growing uncertainty’ about who to trust, Britain is leading the world in societal disruption, and we are seeing the same symptoms in America. ⁃ Patrick Wood, editor.
Recent surveys, such as the Channel 4-commissioned study “Gen Z: Trends, Truth and Trust,” show that 52% of British Gen Z (aged 13-27) believe that the UK would be better off with a strong leader who doesn’t have to worry about parliament and elections. In addition, 33% support military rule. Such results may suggest that some media reports and polls are helping to gradually shift society towards technocratic control. By highlighting dissatisfaction with democratic processes and presenting authoritarian models as possible solutions, these publications could increase the acceptance of technocratic or authoritarian forms of government. This could be part of a strategy to influence public opinion and prepare society for profound political change. It is important to critically examine these developments and carefully analyse the role of the media in shaping public attitudes to avoid inadvertently supporting authoritarian tendencies.
Generation Z is “ready to accept dictatorship in Britain” after losing faith in democracy.
Generation Z is ready to accept dictatorship in Britain, according to a new survey.
Whether it is Brexit, Tory austerity or the climate catastrophe, one thing is clear: the younger generation is losing faith in the democratic system.
Research by Channel 4 shows that this generation is increasingly accepting radicalism and authoritarianism amid “growing uncertainty” about who they can trust.
More than half of 13-27 year-olds said they believed “Britain would be a better place if there was a strong leader who didn’t have to worry about parliament and elections,” The Times reported.
A third agreed that the country would be better off “if the military were in control.”
Almost half believe “the whole way our society is organised needs to change radically through revolution.”
By comparison, only 33% of 45-65 year-olds hold this view. The worrying results are based on a sample of 3,000 adults of all ages.
A separate survey also shows that Gen Z has a highly polarised view of women’s rights.
Almost half – 45% – of male respondents aged 13-27 believe “the push for women’s equality has gone so far that men are now being discriminated against.”
A similar proportion agreed that “women’s equality has now gone far enough”.
The same percentage said they found self-proclaimed “misogyny” Andrew Tate and right-wing internet celebrity Jordan Peterson trustworthy.
A 25-year-old man from Penryn, Cornwall, told pollsters he felt “targeted” because he was “an ordinary straight white man” who had enjoyed cultural advantages in the past.
He said: “The pendulum is swinging the other way, to the point where we could be at risk of being discriminated against in favour of people from minority groups.”
Alex Mahon, chief executive of Channel 4, said the results “should worry us all”.
She described Generation Z as simultaneously the most authoritarian and liberal generation in the country, adding: “They are media-savvy, connected and smart, but they have been exposed from birth to the full force of polarizing, confusing and sometimes deliberately manipulative information.”
“Gen Z is shaping their own understanding of ‘truth.’ For many, this is increasing social tensions and undermining the value of democracy.”