When it comes to car fuel, most people imagine diesel, gasoline or electricity. However, there can be many more types of fuel for cars. At present, the most important goal is to protect the environment, so we are looking...
Efforts to conquer space are greater each year. During long-distance spaceflight, it is not possible to rely solely on supplies from Earth. If other planets can be occupied, it is necessary to start growing plants on them, which will...
Nowadays, passwords are a matter of course, but few people know more about them. The first password was created in 1960 and two years later the first password was stolen. Passwords are important because they protect us, protect our...
Artificial intelligence has long been part of science fiction. AI is increasingly interfering in human lives, such as driving. It is expected that in the future, most cars will be able to drive autonomously. Can artificial intelligence always make...
If you had an unlimited amount of funds, which city would you move to? Some people think that there are few billionaires in the world. But there are huge numbers of people in the world with billions of dollars...
Phishing is a worldwide problem. There are a large number of fraudsters who try to obtain sensitive personal information from other people. They obtain sensitive information through fraudulent websites and fraudulent emails. Around 400 billion emails are sent every...
Do you know what is most valuable in life? It's time. Can you stop in your life and realize how you spend it? Some people can plan their time, but have no idea how long their life is, how...
Many people think that the state of our planet is most affected by large corporations. In fact, the daily habits of individuals have the greatest impact on our planet. There are so many billions of people in the world,...
Cyber attacks are a very common type of crime today, and the number of cases of such attacks is growing significantly each year. Attacks are unpredictable and it is often very difficult to catch an attacker because he is...
Plastic is one of the most common materials we come in contact with every day. From morning to evening, we touch plastics and are close to them. There are many types of plastics that differ from each other. Plastics...
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