Do you know that more than half of people do not wash their hands after riding public transportation, after using shared excercise equipment or handling money? On average, you come in contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing...
Koalas are among the main symbols of Australia. Although this gentle creature is known all over the world, it is facing the greatest catastrophe - becoming extinct. According to the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF), there are approximately 80 thousand...
The last few months have been bizarre - to say the least - for the locals of Hong Kong. 240,000 protesters marched the streets of Hong Kong to protest against the controversial extradition bill that could potentially challenge the...
Hunger on one side, surplus on the other. One part of the world is sick of lack of food, the other part has illness due to overeating. For many of us food is a matter of course. Although world...
The biggest ruin of the Australian continent has arrived with the first settlers and will cause tens of millions of dollars in damage annually. Rabbits are the most formidable invasive species facing Australia. The legendary First Fleet of Commander Arthur...
The Internet is no longer a place where you can express your views freely. Free expression is under constant pressure. Authorities in almost 50 countries introduced new rules for technology companies last year. The number of cases in which...
Many areas around the world are suffering from dangerous heat waves. High temperatures can endanger our health. Many people collapse or even die due to overheating of the body. One of the best ways to cool off your body...
Who exactly is a millennial? Millennials are the children of baby boomers and older Gen X adults. They are characterised by, their date of birth (1980-2000), their liberal attitudes. And importantly the ubiquity of the internet in their world. The...
Scientists have found high levels radiation in shellfish in the Pacific Ocean. Radiation causes shellfish poisoning and thus fundamentally disrupts the food chain and the entire ecosystem. Scientists are worried that shellfish in the Pacific are dying of poisoning from...
Humanity is afraid of nuclear attacks. The US and Russia began to develop new nuclear weapons, and Iran and North Korea tested missiles again. But there are other threats to humanity - not so visible – cyber-attacks. Cyber​-attacks can theoretically...
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