How do you get food to people in under developed areas, suffering from poor harvest or lack of food? Brandi DeCarli and Scott Thompson came up with a solution. In cooperation with solar and irrigation companies, they have developed...
Suicide slides between the 9th and 10th leading cause of death. It causes more deaths than strokes, infections, Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia, injury, hypertension, and the list stretches on. Suicide is currently the 10th leading cause of death in 2016....
World population has grown over 4,5 billion in last 60 years. Now, there is one birth every 8 seconds and one death every 12 seconds in the world. Projected world population in 2050 is about 10 billion. Can you...
A Swedish couple built a greenhouse around their house. The greenhouse fulfills multiple purposes - providing its own crops all year round while protecting its dwellings from the cold northern wind. The house in which the couple lives is not...
The influence of social media on society is much stronger than one can imagine. The goal of their business is to keep your attention because it is limited. Businesses need to be more aggressive. What practices do social media...
You are constantly encountering an invisible workforce. Do you think that all the little work on the Internet is done by robots? Error. Whenever you submit photos to verify your identity, you need a person to verify your identity....
"This association is robust—and it has nothing to do with politics," said one co-author. "It's all backed by the data." With abortion currently inaccessible in over a quarter of U.S. states, peer-reviewed research published Wednesday highlights the impact of cutting off care,...
In Japan, there is nothing new about cramped housing. You can find many small apartments to rent. They are known as “capsule hotels”. One such example is the small rooms in Tokyo, discovered by photographer Won Kim. He could...
Undisciplined and speeding drivers cause countless accidents every day. Most people would expect drivers to behave at least close to schools and hospitals, but statistics clearly demonstrate that in the US alone that 100 children lose their lives every...
Animal testing is not only a very cruel but also a not very reliable way of verifying the safety and quality of products. It is estimated that 500,000 mice, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits suffer, small species of pigs, dogs...
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