Global tensions are rising, the global economy is in shambles and the future does not look good. More and more people believe that World War III is about to break out or that it has already started. The Ipsos company conducted a survey in 33 countries around the world and its aim was to find out people’s opinions on the current geopolitical situation. Respondents were asked if they believed that war could break out between the superpowers in the coming years. In some countries, people are more optimistic, for example in Japan, while in other countries, people are very pessimistic. Below you can see an infographic from Visual Capitalist that shows the results of the survey.

In which countries do people most believe that global conflict is coming?

People are scared by media reports

People are heavily influenced by media reports that are very negative. The survey found that 64% of people in 30 countries agree that their government should increase military spending to prepare for the possibility of conflict. Another notable finding is that 85% of people in the countries surveyed believe the world needs new international agreements and institutions to deal with the challenges facing the world today. Most people think that if countries cooperate more, the risk of war will decrease.

Data note:

These are the results of a 33-market survey conducted by Ipsos on its Global Advisor online platform. Ipsos interviewed a total of 32,507 adults aged 18-74 in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey, 20-74 in Thailand, 21-74 in Indonesia, and 16-74 in the remaining markets between Friday, September 23 and Friday, October 7, 2022.

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