Even when the firing ceases and the war is over, most veterans take it back home with them and live with it for the rest of their lives. This especially applies to those who have suffered an injury there....
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced in the grund through the normal decay of uranium and radium. In the USA and UK radon causes more deaths annually than falling, fires and drowning. Radon is a gas that...
Prescription pain medications, typically opioids, are killing thousands of Americans each year. In 1999, about 4000 people died due painkillers. In 2011, 17000 people died due painkillers. This number has quadrupled since 1999. From 2007 to 2010, the number of...
Stress kills and if you think stress is everywhere, you're right! Somebody can say that some stress can be motivational, but constant feelings of pressure, worry, or tension at work can have a profound effect on our physical and...
Plastic, the actual problem of our planet. Plastic takes 450 years to fully break down. Scientists predict that by 2050 there will by more plastic than fish in the see. What we can do to save the Earth from...
The need to feed billions of people efficiently has given rise to large-scale animal farming operations. But are these mega-operations helping feed us or making us all sick? Labels are often misleading, but buying meat products with these can...
Do you know what is autism? Autism is a lifelong condition. There is no cure but early diagnosis and the right support can ensure that people can live fulfilling lives. More than 99% of the public said they have...
Do you know that 15% world population suffers from severe depression? The situation is critical, not only in the USA. Average 1 in 12 students attempted suicide last year. Studies say that depression will be second largest disease afret...
Smoking e-cigarettes is still hazardous to your health. Instead of traditional nicotine, electronic cigarettes contain a liquid form of nicotine, colled e-liquid. This is still an extremely addictive form of nicotine. As the battery heats the eCig it releases...
We absorb up to 60% of what we put on our skin. Children's bodies absorb 40-50% more than adults. They are at higher risk for diseases later in life when exposed to toxins. The average woman exposes herself to 167...
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