There is a frequency that has been hidden from people for many years. It is a frequency of 528 HZ. It is the frequency of pure life during which DNA can transform and amazing things happen. 528 HZ, this...
On Tuesday, November 15, the United Nations announced that over eight billion people are officially living on Planet Earth. The population is growing more in third-world countries. Countries with young, poor, or increasing pensioners face the issue of what...
What we perceive as reality is actually just an illusion. From a young age, we live in the lies that we see on TV, on the computer and that we learn in school. However, the world is changing. Every...
Tiger sharks monitor unknown places on the ocean floor near the Bahamas. So scientists installed cameras on their fins. As a result, the research team discovered up to forty percent more sea meadows and other previously unknown sites. According...
"This is exactly the scenario pro-diplomacy and anti-war voices have since the start been warning gets increasingly likely the longer the war goes on," said one observer. Update: The latest assessments from Western officials indicate that the missile that killed two...
The wireless industry is rolling out thousands of new transmitters amid a growing body of research that calls cellphone safety into question. Federal regulators say there’s nothing to worry about — even as they rely on standards established in...
Based on the experience with bacteria that can break down plastic, scientists from Mendele University, Czech Republic, want to use the potential of cyanobacteria for the same purpose in another part of the Earth - to remove plastic ocean...
Did you draw pictures of the smiling sun as a child? NASA has captured an image in which the sun looks like a big smiley face. Their Solar Dynamics Observatory took an image of the smiling sun at the...
Do you feel small and insignificant? Many people think they are just small puppets in a big world. Your importance is much greater than you think. If you feel confused in your life, it is high time to change...
Could there be anything worse than a city where you are being watched at your every move? Some people feel safe under the surveillance of a camera, others feel that constant surveillance means the end of freedom and privacy....
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