Large numbers of sharks and rays are caught as bycatch each year. It's a big problem because many species of sharks are already endangered. A new invention could help them, which can warn sharks in time and thus save...
The World Meteorological Organization said Tuesday in its first annual State of Global Water Resources report that every region of the world suffered water extremes last year as the climate crisis intensified flooding and droughts, inflicting deadly damage on the most heavily impacted...
Adhering to a drinking regime has its health reasons, but each individual needs to drink a different amount of water. Previously, about two liters of water per day for an adult was considered the optimal amount. A study published...
Before the minks were killed, anonymous activists released about 10,000 animals from a fur farm in the eastern US into the wild. According to activists who lean on the Oxford study, minks bred in captivity can adapt in the...
Researchers documented 13 never-before-seen viruses that have been lying dormant, frozen in thick ice, over tens of thousands of years. As our world continues to warm up, vast areas of permafrost are rapidly melting, releasing material that's been trapped for up...
God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity. (Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from According to the WEF, a...
When a natural disaster occurs, it is important to provide people not only with medical assistance, but also with food. Transporting food is very complicated in the case of inaccessible and remote areas. Edible drones that can deliver food...
The FDA has approved Upside Foods' lab-grown meat for the first time in history. What once seemed like science fiction is now becoming a reality - eating meat without killing an animal. The new way of eating and obtaining...
Carbon dioxide emissions are constantly increasing globally. Only Europe and China will slightly reduce them; in other countries, CO2 emissions are rising. The main reason is apparently the revival of the economy and tourism after the end of the...
The best hope of averting climate disaster may well be wealth taxes that significantly reduce the wealth and power of the super-rich. by LINDA MCQUAIG Watching Elon Musk reveal himself in recent weeks to be the world's richest buffoon has certainly been entertaining. However,...
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