Climate Change Has Caused the Biggest Glacier Melt in Washington and Canada in a Century

Canada and the USA are now under the grip of the extreme heatwave that caused the melting of milky water and glaciers. But the regions across Canada have already experienced the impact of climate change.

The record-breaking heatwave in the USA and Canada is causing what’s thought to be the biggest ice melt in a century.  The temperature goes up nearly 50C (122F), killing hundreds of people within the last week in Canada also in the state of Oregon and Washington. The reason for extreme heat waves is the human-driven climate crisis and also by the heat dome over the region.

Effect on Marine Life

The iconic Mount Rainier, the most glaciated peak in the USA, is melting, which caused the milky sandy water is running into Puget Sound. Scientists say that it could rock from melting glaciers.

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

But the effect can also be seen on marine life, where 1 billion marine animals along the Pacific Ocean have died. The shore usually never crunched before, but now the mussel shells lying everywhere that you could not avoid stepping on dead animals. The most affected marine life includes snails, sea stars, and clams. They are decaying in shallow water.

Scientists have warned against the vulnerability of the ecosystem to extreme temperatures. It’s a big deal about climate change and causes our milky water to melt down. We have been losing glaciers too lately, and the reason is climate change or whatever it is, but the melting of glaciers too rapidly is quite scary.

The next generation will see a lot of climate change records where heatwave has taken place in the arctic circle, and now it’s happening in Canada and Washington.

The Canadian Region Most Threatened by Climate Change

Among all, the Atlantic region is most threatened by global climate change. In the future, the region will face more storms, increased storm intensity, rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and flooding from rising global temperatures.

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay

The coastal communities that make the largest population in Atlantic Canada are most vulnerable to these changes. However, climate change will have the worst effect on the social-economic well-being of this region. The industries and infrastructure like fisheries and tourism will stop contribute to their capitals.

Source:, https://climateactionnetworkca/issues/impacts-and-adaptation/learning-cente/impacts-in-canada/, featured image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


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