Climate propaganda is based on many lies that aim to cause panic among people. But the propaganda is gradually collapsing like a house of cards. I would just like to remind you that, contrary to the claims of climate alarmists, the ice in Antarctica is not decreasing, on the contrary, it is roughly the same as in 1966, and the Arctic is not ice-free, as Al Gore claimed, according to which the summer Arctic ice should have disappeared some 15 years ago.

Polar bears also do not want to please the climate alarmists, because instead of the predicted extinction, they have multiplied in recent years. The Great Barrier Reef, which was supposed to be in a state of collapse in recent years, is also not helping climate propaganda, however, it is unusually thriving (probably thanks to CO2).
And now we have another huge blow that goes against the propaganda of the future apocalypse. Ocean temperatures are falling again, contrary to predictions…
After two years of constant alarm about “unprecedented” ocean temperatures, there has now been a stunning development: global ocean temperatures have fallen back to the levels of 2015 – the time when climate activism reached its peak.
Climate researcher Javier Viños recently published some extremely interesting data that will make some climate doomsayers sweat. After 21 months of supposedly unstoppable warming, nature is showing its own side.
Measurements collected by NOAA and the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine speak clearly: the temperature curve has literally collapsed.
“Misunderstood natural climate variability” is what Viños calls the phenomenon—a wonderfully sobering description of something that should come as no surprise.
Nature simply does not follow the simplistic models that some ideologically inclined scientists try to understand.
The year 2023 marked the height of climate hysteria. Any increase in temperature was interpreted as a harbinger of the apocalypse. The usual suspects were everywhere, warning of the approaching end of the world.
What was deliberately overlooked was the fact that phenomena like El Niño have a significant natural influence on ocean temperatures.
The complexity of ocean-atmosphere interactions, deep currents, and solar variability defies any attempt to squeeze them into simple computer models.
But while temperatures are now falling back to “normal,” billions continue to be pumped into dubious “climate protection” measures.
Net zero policies are driving up energy prices and pushing people into energy poverty—all in the name of supposedly “saving the climate.”
The lesson from this development is clear: natural variability is not a system flaw, but a fundamental feature of our climate. Short-term trends are no guarantee of long-term developments. And above all: correlation does not automatically imply causation.
The current trend in sea temperatures is further proof that politics should not be guided by hysteria, but by facts. The same goes for the mainstream, which obediently follows the agenda.
However, the likelihood is high that the same hysteria will start again the next time temperatures rise. The climate debate in recent years has clearly shown one thing: alarmism never dies—it just adapts to circumstances.