COVID-19 and the rise of domestic violence against women

Nearly 1 in 3 women admitted that they have been abused at some point in their lifetime. The majority said that the harassment (physical, mental) has been done by their intimate partner. Women represent over half the world’s population. However, so many of them are still at risk of being killed, exposed to violence, and mental abuse. As many as 38% of all murders of women are committed by their spouses/partners. Often, they are afraid to speak up. Only 1 in 10 women would seek help from authorities. If they have the courage to speak at all, most of the women would turn to their families. And the situation did not improve with the start of the global pandemic.

The second shadow of COVID-19 pandemic

Lockdowns during the COVID-19 and their economic and social impacts have increased the exposure of women to abusive partners, because of their limited access to services. 1 in 5 women reported that they are feeling unsafe in their houses during the last six months. Unfortunately, violence against women and girls rises.  In many cases, the offenders are not properly prevented and held accountable for their actions. If we want to help to stop this violence we must start with believing the victims. We need to transform harmful social norms and adopt comprehensive and inclusive approaches that tackle the problems from the roots.

The stronger voices, the better chance for a change

These global crises help to further deepen pre-existing inequalities. Overlooking gender-based violence against women and girls can even worsen them. Groups of individuals like women with disabilities, indigenous women, lesbians, transgender women, and women belonging to other vulnerable groups, are usually affected the most.

The women and girls need to be heard and only collectively we can make a change.


Photo credit: pixabay

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