Little free libraries allow you to share redundant books with others

Every year, countless books end up in trash cans or stand on shelves where no one reads them, and they are just gathering dust there. If you have books you do not need anymore, you can take them to little free libraries. But what is a little free library? It is a booth that is located in a public place, and anyone can leave books there and allow others to take or borrow them. Why throw away something as valuable as a book when we can just share it with others.

Help the little free libraries to expand

While little free libraries are widespread in some places, in many regions, there are no similar places for book sharing. Such booths can take various forms, depending on their appearance but also on their purpose. In many places, people build them on their own. All they have to do is find a suitable space to place them, leave some books there, and usually, other people start using the small free libraries and add new books there.

A little free library should be durable to withstand the whims of the weather and to protect books collected there. Many people start to be interested in such small libraries, and more and more people are creating them on their own. If there is no little free library in your area, you can help them to spread and make one by yourself. By doing so, you ensure that the books do not end up in the trash and other readers can enjoy them.

Photo: Leakshare

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