Microchip implants for Covid-19 vaccination passport are already a reality

Using microchips to track people is a very sensitive topic. When people talked about being monitored for coronavirus in the past, it was considered a conspiracy theory. Microchips in the form of subdermal implants have now been developed, which show a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19. This technology was introduced by the Swedish company Epicenter.

Microchips under the skin

The vaccination cards will therefore be recorded in a microchip that will be under the skin. The chips use Near-field communication (NFC), which can communicate with any NFC-capable smartphone. The technology is not new, but use in humans has grown in the last decade. The firt person to have a microchip implanted was Kewin Warwick in 1998. Epicenter claims the procedure is completely reversible. The chips are not yet for sale but the firm made headlines this year when staff had passkeys implanted in their hands. It’s also known for throwing parties whan employees get chipped.

Technology that can be misused by governments

Compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 is mandated in many countries. Many people are restricted at work and in many activities due to vaccinations. When a government can order vaccinations, many people fear that the use of microchips under the skin may be ordered. So far, it may only seem like a harmless invention, but in the future it can be used to track people.

Microchips do not have to contain only a COVID passport

Not only COVID passports can be stored in the microchips, but also identity cards, membership in various clubs and more.

Hannes Sjoblad, who is Epicenter’s Chief Disruption Officer commented, “Implants are very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and right now it is very convenient to have COVID passport always accessible on your implant.”
Hannes added, “In case your phone runs out of battery, it’s always accessible to you. So of course, that’s how we use this technology today, next year we are going to use it for something else. ”

Source & credit: Epicenter, South China Morning Post

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