Renewables in the US for the First Time Outperform Coal

The trend of using coal for power generation is slowly declining. On the other hand, renewable energy sources from wind farms, hydro power plants and solar panels are on the rise.

Although President Trump has promised to enforce regulations to revive the coal industry, the volume of coal-fired power has been declining since the beginning of the year.

Electricity in Numbers

U.S. Pat. Energy Information Administration, in January it was more than 101 million megawatt hours, in February only 80 million megawatt hours and in March 78.45 million megawatt hours.

For the first time in history, the United States has produced more electricity from renewable sources than coal, according to Bloomberg server. In April, hydroelectric power stations, solar panels and wind turbines together generated 68.48 million megawatt hours of electricity, while coal generated only 60 million.

SUN DAY, a non-profit renewable energy company, analyzed data and said in a press release that new wind, solar, and hydropower additions to the grid have been enough to reach 21 percent of renewable energy in total US installed capacity 21.56%. In contrast, the share of coal dropped to 21.55 percent (versus 23.04 percent a year ago).

Energy Suppliers Respond Positively to Renewable Energy Demand

Con Edison has invested $ 2.1 billion in wind and solar projects last year, making it the second largest solar producer in North America. Minnesota based Xcel Energy once a championed coal, but now pledged to produce only carbon-free electricity by 2050, according to CNN.

US residents contribute about 30 percent of the total renewable resources, thanks to the solar panels they lay on their roofs. Trump’s plan to save the coal industry is considered technically outdated. The public is increasingly calling for renewable energy sources.


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