Scientists Can Turn Cancer into Fat Cells

Cancer is ranked second in the international ranking of causes of death (heart disease first). The diagnosis of cancer is the last thing a man would want to hear from a doctor. Scientists have discovered an innovative way to prevent the spread of cancer by converting cancer cells into fat.

Last year, 627,000 women died of breast cancer, the second most common form of cancer in the world.

Malignant disease requiring unpleasant treatment, operative removal of the tumor at best, chemotherapy and radiation, which have many unpleasant side effects, at worst.

When the cancer begins to metastasize, which in practice means that the cancer spreads from the original tumor to other parts of the body, we are talking about worsening the patient’s condition.

Innovative Treatment

Modern medicine has been working tirelessly to develop anti-cancer drugs. Recently, scientists have discovered that some types of cancer can be detected from blood tests. Now scientists from the University of Basel in Switzerland have introduced a drug that is able to convert cancer into fat cells.

Cancer cells

Cancer cells are able to spread to absolutely any part of the human body through the circulatory system. They are characterized by extraordinary plasticity, which allows them to overcome adverse conditions. They can change their own features to adapt to different organs and even become drug resistant.

From Cancer to Fat

Scientists from the University of Basel have managed to use the ability of plasticity against cancer itself. They have attempted to alter the cell composition by combining the antidiabetic drug rosiglitazone with MEK inhibitors. The mixed drug received breast cancer cells from mice into which the cells had previously been introduced. The drug caught cells and converted them into fat cells (adipocytes). Because fat cells do not divide, even cancer cells cannot spread to the body.

Fat cells

In fact, this method does not remove an existing tumor, but prevents it from spreading. According to the Cancer Cell Journal, Gerhard Christofori said that this treatment in combination with chemotherapy should be able to prevent growth and metastasis. Because all of these drugs used in the study are already FDA approved, the drug could be included in clinical trials in patients soon.


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