Contact lenses began to replace dioptric glasses in the second half of the last century. For many people, it was a breakthrough in the limitations that brought them traditional prescription glasses. American inventors introduced a prototype contact lens whose function can be controlled by eye movement.
The University of California, San Diego, called the project “Biomimetic Soft Lens Controlled by Electrooclulographic Signal”, the research was published in Advanced Functional Materials.
Blink Twice
The invention, related to a contact lens, is made of polymer films and electrodes. Biomimetic contact lenses are applied to the five eye electrodes and are affixed in the area around the eyes. The electrodes are controlled by eye movement and blinking.
Just blink twice for the contact lenses to react and zoom. The prototype responds to a double blink that controls zooming.
Although the project is so far ‘in its infancy,’ it has great potential to help patients who have visual problems or limited movement.
Little History
In 1887, the first hard contact lens was made of glass. After the invention of plexiglass in 1933, contact lenses were also made from this lighter material (PMMA). Soft contact lenses began to develop in the 1950s.
The medical device has become a modern trend in wearing colored lenses.
The year is 2019, and scientists and inventors have come up with a project that only a few years ago could only be seen in sci-fi movies.
It’s incredible what advances science and technology have made in a few decades. And it is opening possibilities to help many people live a full-fledged life.
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