The greatest threats to humanity aren’t the ones dominating today’s headlines — or at least, not for the reasons the media would have you believe. The Russia-Ukraine conflict could end tomorrow with the right leadership. The turmoil in the Middle East and the civil war in Syria could, too. There is an even more profound conflict unfolding, older than we can imagine. It’s a struggle between two ancient forces: human enslavement versus human liberty. We feel a primordial call to action, urging us to rise above the chaos of these forces and forge a new path forward. This is the fight for an Earth truly fit for humanity.
As much as Elon Musk speaks of humans becoming an interplanetary species, there’s a part of him that knows that humans won’t remain human for long if we abandon the foundation of a healthy earthly existence. Humans will never be a multi-planetary species until we prioritize the necessary conditions for biological human needs. Perhaps some cyborg version of humanity might one day move freely among the stars, but it won’t truly be humans — not if we fail to change the way we treat human health, sciences, and technology.
There’s a biological fact that we can no longer ignore: any species that is unable to reproduce naturally is on a path to extinction. This isn’t an exaggeration — it’s how biological life works and is literally within the definition of extinction.
The numbers are staggering. In South Korea, the birth rate has fallen to 0.72 children per woman — well below the replacement level of 2.1. In the United Kingdom, it is 1.5, and in the United States, fertility rates have hit a historic low of 1.64 births per woman. This is not an isolated trend; it is a global warning. Without children, societies shrink and economies crash. The implications of such a decline are far-reaching, affecting every aspect of human life.
At the same time, chronic diseases have become the leading cause of death in America, accounting for 7 out of every 10 deaths annually. Heart disease alone claims nearly 700,000 lives each year, while diabetes, obesity, and related illnesses continue to rise. The fertility crisis and the surge in chronic illness are deeply intertwined with systemic failures in public health, diet, and lifestyle. Americans now spend more on healthcare than any other nation — nearly $15,000 per person annually — yet the U.S. ranks 49th in life expectancy, lagging significantly behind many other developed nations.
Root Causes: A System Designed for Decline
This health and fertility crisis did not emerge overnight. It is the result of deliberate choices — some made out of ignorance, others out of greed. Environmental toxins, ultra-processed foods, and technological harm have infiltrated every corner of our lives.
Recent research has made something abundantly clear: our environment is fundamentally shaping the future of human health, often in ways we’re only beginning to fully comprehend. A study published in Brain Sciences highlights how electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and chemical exposures — particularly during the critical perinatal period — are interfering with human neurodevelopment. These disruptions increase intracellular calcium levels, a process that can wreak havoc on the developing brain, potentially contributing to the rise of conditions like autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
Our bodies operate as finely tuned electrochemical systems, highly responsive to the forces and pollutants we’ve permitted to permeate our lives. And yet, the industries responsible remain unaccountable, and the leaders tasked with protecting us look the other way — or worse, are complicit in the damage.
I was labeled a conspiracy theorist for raising concerns about how the Earth’s natural electric field is being polluted by unmitigated wireless products. But here’s the reality: these technologies can be made safer. The problem is that Big Tech is in bed with Big Pharma — and they are making a killing on our sickness. As electrochemical beings, humans can indeed short-circuit at a cellular level. It’s happening all around us, all the time. We are being polluted both electrically and chemically on a daily basis.
Yes, the food we eat is part of the problem. Yes, the laptop resting on our stomachs at night is causing reproductive harm. Yes, contaminants in vaccines are making some people seriously ill. But it’s more than that. It’s also the plastics, pesticides, and artificial additives infiltrating our environment, our food, and our bodies. These substances disrupt our hormones, making it harder for people to conceive. And they aren’t just affecting this generation — they will have ripple effects on future ones. The sick children of today are on track to become the infertile adults of tomorrow, all to sustain systems built on profit and control.
The Moral Imperative to Act
At its core, this is not just a health crisis — it is a moral crisis. The systems that perpetuate sickness and infertility do so with the complicity of leaders who prioritize convenience over principle. Progress should never come at the cost of human life.
As a society, we have lost sight of what truly matters. The sanctity of life — a principle exemplified by Jesus Christ during His time on Earth — has been diminished in favor of short-term gains. True faith calls us to rise above nihilism, to see enduring love within the human struggle, even when the path feels heavy or the darkness overwhelming.
Leadership matters. Dr. Ron Paul grasps this better than most: true leaders hold fast to their principles, even when sometimes they aren’t popular. When I last spoke with Dr. Paul, he assigned me some “homework” — to dive into the works of Cicero, the Roman statesman and philosopher. Over the past year of studying Cicero, it’s become clear to me that Ron Paul is our modern-day Cicero for the American Empire. He refuses to compromise his principles for the sake of convenience or political clout — and he’s right. This goes beyond politics; it’s about moral conviction. When we sacrifice the essence of what it means to live as healthy, thriving individuals for the sake of convenience or so-called progress, we risk losing everything that truly matters.
If we want to reverse this downward spiral, we cannot compromise on the fundamentals. Being uncompromising does not mean being stubborn; it means staying open-minded but unwavering in the pursuit of truth. The sanctity of human life — healthy, vibrant, and free — must never be up for negotiation.
Choosing a Better Path
We stand at a crossroads — a moment that will define not just our future, but the legacy we leave behind. The slow unraveling of our society is not inevitable. It is the direct result of choices we’ve made. But here’s the hopeful truth: we can choose differently. We can choose to Make America Healthy Again. The path forward is right here, within our reach, right now.
Choosing a better future demands courage — the courage to confront uncomfortable truths, reject short-term solutions, and question the systems we support. It means holding political leaders accountable and insisting on innovations that prioritize human health above all else.
Through my fund, Planeta Ventures, I’ve sought out technologies that prioritize human well-being — clean innovations that are not beholden to Big Tech or Big Pharma. The journey has often been lonely, but it has also been clarifying. Challenging powerful systems will inevitably invite ridicule and persecution, but history honors those who choose conviction over conformity.
Every choice we make — what we eat, how we live, and whom we support — carries weight from this moment forward. As Americans, we bear a unique responsibility in this fight. If you feel compelled to protect human freedom and dignity, know this: you are not alone. Together, we can forge a path that values life, health, and liberty above all else.
This fight will not be easy. But if we succeed, we will leave behind a world worthy of the generations to come — a world where human life isn’t merely surviving, but healthy, thriving, and flourishing.
Article by Nicole Shanahan