This company offers its employees “Wank Pods” to masturbate at work

What do you mean by job benefit? Some companies offer free meals, others extra time off. Stripchat has decided to provide its employees with “Wank Pods” masturbation modules. Stripchat is a Cypriot website for adults and employees can sometimes feel frustrated.

30 minutes of paid masturbation breaks

There are 200 employees in this company, for which 4 modules have been installed. Each employee has a paid 30-minute masturbation break. The company’s decision was mainly due to the stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each module looks like a futuristic sphere. Inside, there is a 4K screen, Oculus Quest VR headset, lotion, handkerchiefs and a comfortable chair for masturbation. Masturbation will allow people to get rid of tension and stress.

Reduce stress and increase productivity

This is not the only company with this idea. Last year, Erika Lust Films also provided a 30-minute masturbation break. The reason for creating this benefit was again to relieve stress during the pandemic.

“With the pandemic and the huge shift in how we live our lives, I began to notice that my employees had become somewhat agitated and were performing with less energy than before,” owner Erika Lust said at the time.

“So, knowing that there’s only one thing that will make everyone feel good, I’ve set up a private masturbation station for them to enjoy.”

“Picture this: a team of happy employees with their creative juices flowing and being productive because they’ve had some time scheduled to make themselves feel good,” she said. “A masturbation break at work can result in more focus from your employees, less aggression, more productivity and better teamwork.”

Such an idea can be an inspiration for other employers to give their employees this benefit. Many companies have rooms where employees can smoke to relieve stress. When masturbation rooms are set up, this may increase productivity in many companies.


Image credit: Jam Press, stripchat

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