Tight Bras Cause Breast Cancer and Other Health Problems

Since 1991, several studies have been conducted to address the direct link between bras and breast cancer. Naturally, underwear manufacturers oppose, but have not yet substantiated a relevant study to refute this information.

Breast Cancer

Bra is a major cause of breast cancer, according to a British study on breast cancer that ran from 1991 to 1993, published in the book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. This study concludes that women without bra have approximately the same risk of breast cancer as men. The more the bra is tighter, the risk of cancer is higher. For users who wear bras 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the risk is up to 125 times higher compared with bra-free woman.

Why a Bra Is Behind It

The lymphatic system removes impurities and toxins from tissues; this also applies to pathogenic cancer cells that are cleared by the lymphatic bed into the lymph nodes.

A tight bra easily compresses the lymphatic vessels and prevents proper functioning of the lymphatic system, and this causes the accumulation of toxins in the breast, thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer. Most women wearing bras suffer from breast and cyst pain due to this lymphatic damage

A 1991 Harvard study found that premenopausal women without bra had half the risk of breast cancer compared to bra users.


Tight bras compress the nerves and muscles, disrupt the autonomic nervous system, leading to a number of problems.

According to one study, the tight-fitting group excreted more adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol (the so-called stress hormone) in the urine, had a higher heart rate. Reactions were caused by skin pressure caused by tight clothing.


Other studies have reported that tight bras cause constipation, probably due to suppression of the parasympathetic nervous system and intestinal motility.


Based on another study, women without bra had shorter menstrual cycles, on average 30 days, compared to bra users whose menstrual cycle was on average 45 days.


The study also found that tight clothing prevents breathing, reduces lung expansion, inhalation volume, and deep breathing.

Firm vs. Sagging

Although breasts may seem to be firmer due to the bra, the opposite is true. Bra results in weakened suspensory ligaments and more droop. After stop wearing a bra, the ligaments strengthen and the breasts lift and tone.

In the ongoing International Bra-Free Study, women report the changes they experience: loss of headache, better digestion, easier breathing, appreciating a greater sense of self-confidence and comfort.

Source & credit: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/09/22/bras-cause-more-than-breast-cancer-preliminary-results-of-the-international-bra-free-study/,pixabay.com


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