Access to water is not a given in many parts of the world. Women in remote African villages have to walk several kilometers with heavy tanks on their heads to prepare food for their families. An American kind pensioner invented a sophisticated cart to transport water easily.
Remote Water Sources
Wearing such a load on a back or head harms their spine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 263 million people on the planet must spend more than thirty minutes a day carrying water.

Residents of the Kenyan village of Kitengela have found their way to the water easier since last year. Herman Bigham, a 70-year-old African American who moved to Kitenge a few years ago, could not see women carrying heavy loads. He invented a simple, functional Rolling Springs cart for them.
“My invention is called Rolling Springs. The system we have put together will relieve women, children, and the elderly from carrying water on their backs. This puts a lot of physical strain on them and increases the likelihood of injury,” says Herman Bigham.
Kenya and other African countries are very progressive in many ways. And at the same time, there are still women and children who carry water on their backs ten or even 20 kilometers away. “My son and I were looking for ways to change that. The reward for us is to see how happy, enriched, people are and how relieved they are to use Rolling Springs,” said the inventor.
Recycled Material Cart
The vehicles invented by Herman and his son are made from a variety of recycled materials in Kenya, giving the locals new job opportunities. The device’s load capacity is up to 63 kilograms, and more complicated versions can carry three barrels of water at a time. According to Bigham, his invention will last up to 15 years with sensitive handling.

The water inside the barrel drives Rolling Springs to turn; it acts as a flywheel. No need to push it unless you are in exceedingly difficult terrain. Just guide the cart along the body, and the barrel works for you.
Although it is an effortless device in construction, the poorest can often not afford the invention. The price of $ 60 is high for local conditions. Therefore, Bigham also organized a collection that could allow locals to buy a cart.
Featured image by Artsy Solomon from Pixabay