Urban Hell – Shocking demonstration of how overcrowded our Earth is

Currently, 7.9 billion people live on Earth. The growing number of people is causing big problems. The quality of life of many people is declining rapidly, as is poverty and pollution levels. The question arises – is there enough space for so many people? A group called UrbanHell was formed on the Internet, where people from all over the world send photos of overcrowded cities and other places, which has changed beyond recognition over the years. Town development often turns pleasant places to live into nightmares. There are currently not good enough plans to deal with urban overcrowding. Below are some places that are unfortunately real.

Hong Kong (credit: DrFetusRN)
Hong Kong (credit: QAFY)
Uae Nad Al Sheba III Neighborhood (credit: DrFetusRN)
Mumbai, India (credit: yehbikgayehaigormint)
Petare, Venezuela (credit: antoine_montt)
Chongqing (credit: biwook)
Brazilian Favela (credit: justuniqueusername)
Cairo, Egypt (credit: biwook)
Hyderabad, India (credit: hafeezahmed2839)
Manila, Philippines (credit: charles3535)
New Belgrade, Serbia (credit: Porodicnostablo)
Arizona (credit: TownPro)
Downtown Seattle (credit: unlordtempest)

In the end, let’s look at what it would be like if all people lived in only one city.

Source & credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/

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