Young Voters Highly Prefer Climate Change Over Other Demands

Young people are very interested in the Planet condition. They don’t want to eat toxic plastics and pesticides in food. They don’t want to breathe harmful air full of smoke. They aren’t indifferent to the fact that many species are dying out. They are afraid that their study time will be wasted because they learn about things that will not exist soon. They call for a healthy future for their children. They gather and protest against impending and potential environmental disasters. The attitude of political parties to climate change is crucial for young voters.

Top Topic

According to the Cause and Social Influence Initiative, climate change is a major issue for a third of voters aged 19 to 39:

“This year’s research began following Greta Thunberg’s visit to the Climate Change Summit and the intense media coverage of her struggle against the problem; climate change was the main social problem of 2019.”

Voters’ Goals

Climate change came first in front of social services, citizens’ rights, immigration, health care reform and mental health.

A poll based on a monthly poll conducted by the Sierra Club’s 2020 Climate Voter Tracking, which monitors voters’ interest in climate change, has examined how candidates respond to voters’ primary demands and goals.

The survey showed that 60% of democratic primary voters strongly support 100% of US renewable energy. And 56% ‘strongly support’ the national plan to tackle climate change and inequality.


Fridays for Future is a growing international movement of pupils and students who have decided to participate in demonstrations instead of attending school, demanding that policies be taken vigorously against further global warming.

Millions of people in 150 countries strike against climate change led by Greta Thunberg on Friday, September 20. Many celebrities have joined. Other young people from Alaska and Canada are opposed to the fossil fuel industry.

Climate change is practically a daily topic in the media. Voters hope that political parties will do more than talk. As a striker’s banner says: „There is no Planet B. “

Source and credit: depositphotos,,,,

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