Can You See Your Country on the Planet Destroying List?

Do you find your country on the list of top 100 names and locations of people destroying the Planet? The most of you probably answer “yes”. One that can answer “no”, must be proud of his country – at least, in case of attitude to environment. The map images one hundred locations and names of people who have had very adverse influence on Earth’s health.

Man is full of contradictory contradictions. It is the only organism that is able to gradually destroy all living things without realizing the consequences and impacts on time. When signs of damage to the Planet are evident, decades will pass. Countries blame each other, or attract attention to another problem to make the planet’s damage less obvious.

The Map

The images below show some of the worst polluters according to the Carbon Majors Report, WRI, and the Forbes billionaire list.

“Houston tops this list as home to 7 of the 100 top ecocidal planet killers, followed by Jakarta, Calgary, Moscow, and Beijing. The richest person on the list is Russian oil magnate Vagit Alekperov, who is currently worth $20.7 billion. The map is in the form of a cartogram which represents the size of countries by their cumulative carbon dioxide emissions since industrialization,” reported.

There have been several man-made environmental disasters in the past century that could have been prevented. It did not happen in the name of the longing for profits of large enterprises and military industrial complex. Oil companies are in the first place in the imaginary ranking.

Given the impact of the oil industry on the environment and humanity, the production and use of oil products is actually insane. Oil monopolies have great power to defend their portfolio.

Paradox in High Position

High-ranking people, who have been responsible for environmental degradation, have set up fake ecological organizations and use these organizations to launder money and support eugenics depopulation programs

The ruling class understands that people naturally have an interest in protecting the environment and will usually not question or criticize the steps taken in the name of environmental protection.

Not the Individual, but the Society

A regular citizen is not responsible for destroying the environment in the world or for most of the world’s carbon production. In fact, the 50 largest shipping vessels produce more carbon than all cars in the world. Military vessels, oil tankers and other means of transport for businesses and governments are on the blame.

Howard Zinn’s incredible research in his bestselling book “A Peoples History of the United States Of America” reveals that “In 1992 more than a 100 countries participated in the earth summit environmental conference in Brazil. Statistics showed that the armed forces of the world were responsible for two thirds of the gasses that depleted the ozone layer. But when it was suggested that the earth summit consider the effects of the military on environmental degradation the United States delegation objected and the suggestion was defeated.”   

We will probably face an environmental crisis. Governments and corporations that do not support clean energy, by virtue of their political power, throw the blame on everyone but themselves. The greed of governments, corporations and political societies is a common denominator and the origin of the problem.

Let’s not to Give up

Man feels superior to all living things, and therefore he takes exploitation for granted. We are responsible for turning our beautiful planet Earth into an inhospitable poisonous wasteland. We are intelligent and self-confident creatures; we can truly understand the impact our actions will have on the world around us and our descendants.

Why do we breathe coal dust? Why do we swim in toxic waters? Why do we eat plastics? We hide disinterest for blindness. If we take the right steps in time, the planet can be saved.

Source & credit:,Captain Planet Jordan Engel

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