Archeologists Discovered 2000-year-old Coins in Hungary Farm

Archaeologists in Hungary have discovered several thousand coins up to 2,000 years old. The ancient treasure was hidden on the farm for about 500 years. The reason why the treasure was hidden in this place, experts only estimate.

Hungarian Field Treasure

Any historical finding can tell us more about world history. Each discovery helps scientists put together a puzzle-like what happened in ancient times and why.

Image: © Ferenczy Museum Center

Archaeologists, led by numismatist Balázs Nagy of the Ferenczy Museum, believe that the Ottoman Empire’s attack may have been hiding treasure in Hungary. Two years ago, a metal detector detected 150 ancient coins near Budapest. This discovery led scientists to return to Hungary in search of other archaeological treasures.

The archeologist team and several volunteers dug a pit that hidden thousands of coins. The vessel contained a mixture of coins 500 to 2000 years old.

What Coins Did the Find Hide?

They dug up a broken container containing 7,000 silver coins and four gold coins. For their value, the locals at that time, around 1520, could buy seven horses. In terms of today’s value, we could buy a luxury car for it.

Image: © Ferenczy Museum Center

The vessel contained coins 500 to 2000 years old. The newest coins, found in the treasure, are dated to Louis II, who ruled in Hungary and Bohemia around 1520. The oldest engraved coin in the vessel is a 2000year-old silver denarius from the reign of the Roman emperor Lucius Verus. Four gold coins come from the Kingdom of Hungary at the end of the 15th century.

The work of archaeologists on a global scale will probably not end soon. Many areas hide the treasures of ancient civilizations. The Hungarian Museum plans to continue researching the site to see if the field contains more such treasures. They can only imagine how many secrets the country still hides.


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