A 35 years old Kaavan, an Asian elephant, finds himself free from Pakistan’s capital zoo Marghazar into a Cambodian sanctuary. Now he is cheering and befriends other female elephants in the Cambodian sanctuary. The credit all goes to American superstar Cher, who brought extra efforts to the world’s loneliest elephant.

The Elephant Lost His Companion

In 2012, Kaavan lost his companion, a female elephant called Saheli, and his demeanor deteriorated. He acted furiously, became angry, despondent, with an unhealthy diet: obesity.

Photo credit: Anjum Naveed/AP

His condition was dire at the zoo that court-ordered for his release. It also ordered for the zoo’s shutdown and relocated all the animals from the zoo. The act sparked a global effort for all the animals, especially for Kaavan.

Loneliest Elephant Twitter Campaign

Local Pakistani activists first put Kavaan’s plight in highlights on Cher’s radar with a Twitter campaign, aiming message with hashtag #save Kavaan and “#free Kaavan” at celebrities worldwide.

Photo credit: AP

But carrying a creature by plane to another place is not as easy as it looked.  A jumbo Russian cargo plane was hired to accomplish this impossible task. The capability was justified as the plane can carry 36-years old adult bull elephant with 200 kilos of food on seven hours flight.

Kavaan’s New Life Jurney

It all happened on Monday, Nov 29, when he had a free flight to Cambodia with all his health and happiness.  The creature was released from his grim condition.

Photo credit: Saiyna Bashir/Reuters

Cher, an American actress, and singer made tireless efforts to get Kaavan out of the Margazaar zoo. She accompanied U.S businessman Eric Margolis and the group Four Paws International. She helped pay for him by the charity she raised for this purpose with the slogans” Free the Wild.”

The sanctuary in Oddar Meanchey province already hosts three female elephants. Now he wouldn’t be called the “world’s loneliest elephant.”

Photo credit: Four Paws

After he arrived in the sanctuary, Cher was waiting for him with many journalists and monks who blessed him. And after this, he moved to a sanctuary. He is in a new closer for a while to stay. He was reacting as so much excited when his trunk touched another female’s trunk. And it’s really touching.

Source: www.npr.org/2020/12/05/942214125/he-will-be-a-happier-elephant-vet-describes-what-it-was-like-to-rescue-kaavan?t=1611221408825