More Than Half of the Palm Species Are Threatened With Extinction
Palm trees are beautiful trees that are typical of tropical regions around the world. You must have admired the sight of a palm tree growing out of the sand and….
Palm trees are beautiful trees that are typical of tropical regions around the world. You must have admired the sight of a palm tree growing out of the sand and….
The lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is the largest mammal native to South America. In the past it was one of the most abundant species, but now it is threatened with….
The area around the equator is known for the greatest diversity of life. There are many species of corals, turtles, sharks, fish, stingrays and many other marine animals in the….
According to the Botanic Gardens Conservation International, one in five wild maple species is threatened with extinction. There are currently 158 species of maple trees that are popular for their….
Baobabs belong among the most remarkable trees in the world, and many African cultures consider them sacred. The trees are giants both in size and age. They can live for….
Large protest action “Big rebellion for life” was held on 12th October. Extinction Rebellion took place at the Wenceslas square which was changed into a friendly space opened to meeting,….
Twenty years ago, the car’s windshield covered with insects drove many drivers crazy. However, as our planet faces the massive insect extinction, today’s drivers are far from busy with cleaning….
The number of endangered animal and plant species is steadily increasing and all efforts so far to stop it have met with failure. The International Union for Conservation of Nature….
Extinction is a phenomenon characterized by the death and extermination of given species of fauna or flora due to anthropogenic or natural factors prevailing in a given setup. The condition….
Fires, deforestation, infrastructure, killing and poaching threaten not one species of wild animals, many of them are on the endangered species list, including jaguar (Panthera onca). It is estimated that….