Weapons that are banned or restricted in war

Even war has its rules. Rules for the use of weapons in wars have been developed since ancient times. In 19th century, international agreements were made to legally regulate the types of weapons that are allowed (and banned) in wars around the world.
What must not be used in war? These are, for example, non-detectable fragments, examples are fragmented bullets or projectiles filled with broken glass, mines, booby traps, incendiary weapons, blinding lasers and explosive remnants of war. The CCW, also known as the Inhumane Weapons Convention, is an international agreement that restricts the use of weapons that have been deemed unnecessarily cruel and inhumane. There are 125 State Parties involved in the agreement.

Are the rules of war followed?

Although there are rules for weapons that must not be used in war, these rules are not followed. Mines, chemical weapons and other prohibited means are still being manufactured and used. There are technologies that many think should also be banned in war, but they are not yet limited. These include drones, machines with artificial intelligence and more. See below the info from Visual Capitalist, which shows what weapons are banned or restricted in the war.

Source & credit: Visualcapitalist.com

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