Former agent talks about how the CIA fights Christianity (video)

The CIA is proving to be a dangerous organization, responsible for more than one coup or color revolution. The CIA is also accused of assassinating several foreign and domestic politicians, including JFK.

In recent years, reports have appeared in the American media indicating that the CIA is also creating lists of American citizens who actively practice their faith. They are listed as extremists.

This practice has been expanded under all democratic administrations since the 1990s – starting with Clinton’s.

A former agent mentioned the practices within the CIA in an interview, confirming that events within the agency also indicated these practices and also gave an explanation for why Christians are being persecuted by the CIA.

It can be expected that if the new administration declares that the “swamp is being drained,” these practices will suddenly end.

Retired CIA officer Kevin Shipp testified about how the American intelligence service has been an arena for progressive indoctrination and political activism for decades, where anyone who spoke out against it risked punishment.

“When I worked for the CIA, we were ordered into a conference room, and our division commander began by saying,

‘This comes from the top CIA commander. Merry Christmas is no longer allowed in any office space. You can’t have a nativity scene on your desk or a decoration on your door, or you’ll face disciplinary action,’” Shipp says in an interview with Candace Owens.

Shipp’s closest managers and colleagues were said to be so afraid of being fired or otherwise punished that they didn’t dare speak up.

He goes on to say that the CIA clearly tried to work against Christian employees, using so-called diversity programs to oppress them.

She did this, allegedly, because Christians are the most difficult group to manipulate in the United States because they “don’t accept tyranny, they just listen to God.”

“That’s why Christians are despised all over the world, including the previous administration… You just have to go back to Obama and look at how he attacked Christians and eliminated the religious freedom position at the State Department.”

Clinton was Secretary under Obama.

Shipp has previously said that Bill and Hillary Clinton began calling for a “diversity effort” in intelligence agencies as early as 1994—with a particular focus on transgender people.

“Nobody did anything about it. Now the perverts are billionaires, CEOs, government leaders, and education leaders. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is their deadly weapon against the American foundation,” he said some time ago.

Kevin Shipp worked for the CIA for 17 years, but now spends his time educating the public and highlighting how the intelligence agency is focused on manipulating and fighting its own people—rather than protecting them from external threats.

Among other things, he wrote a book, Twilight of the Shadow Government: How Transparency Will Kill the Deep State, about his experiences at the agency and how the CIA controls the United States through unholy alliances with big business, the media, and Wall Street.


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