"We should care deeply about the unraveling of natural systems because these same resources sustain human life," said the World Wildlife Fund's global chief scientist. A sweeping report published Thursday by one of the world's largest conservation groups finds that Earth's...
Some predators - wolves, brown bears, and sea eagles - are returning to Europe. These animals used to be a common species in Europe, but due to human activities, they have become endangered. On the other hand, human help...
Sea turtles do not have an easy life, because they have one big enemy - man. They are illegally hunted in large numbers. According to the WWF, almost all sea turtle species are endangered. People hunt them illegally not...
The depths of the sea hide many bizarre creatures that scientists have not yet managed to describe. A terrifying-looking deep-sea shark was recently pulled from the deep sea off the coast of Australia. Scientists cannot agree on what the...
In the past, cloning was only science fiction, today it is commonly practiced. Chinese biotech company Sinogene has succeeded in cloning an arctic wolf. According to some scientists, cloning may become a hope for endangered species that are at...
Octopuses are among the most intelligent creatures on Earth, they can use objects, solve complex tasks and feel emotions. Until now, wild octopuses that were hunted have been used as food. If there is a hell on earth, it...
Is death natural? Is it normal for life to end in death? Humans die, as do most living things. Death is already written in our genome, gradually our organism oxidizes, cells regenerate more and more slowly and we have...
Biodiversity is essential for the entire ecosystem to function properly. Since 1500, humans have disrupted biodiversity so significantly that around 50% of all species have become extinct or are at risk of extinction. A professional study was conducted that...
After almost a hundred years, biologists have noted a significant increase in the population of a rare iguana on the Galapagos island of Santiago. Rare reptiles, released on a Pacific island, contribute to the proper ecosystem. Restoration of the Galapagos After...
Scientists conducted a test to diagnose neurological disorders in bees to show for the first time that modern pesticides damage the nervous system of pollinators, making it difficult for them to move straight. Pesticides Disrupt the Behavior of Honey Bees Scientists...
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