Estimating the mass of a long-extinct creature is not an easy task for scientists. Experts from the University of New England found more accurate values ​​for dinosaurs' weight, using two different methods. Inaccurate Results Scientists have repeatedly tried to estimate the...
Plastic waste on the beaches is not just an aesthetic problem. Small fragments of plastics have a significant effect on the temperature of the sand on the beaches. During the day the arms are warmer and at night colder....
The bee population is declining around the world. One British city has decided to address this problem and is demanding that all new buildings contain special bricks for birds and bees. New planning laws in Brighton and Hove now...
Biodiversity is essential for the entire ecosystem to function properly. Since 1500, humans have disrupted biodiversity so significantly that around 50% of all species have become extinct or are at risk of extinction. A professional study was conducted that...
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