There are about 16 packs of sugar in 1500 ml of regular soft drink. Do you know that if you drink 1x600ml regular soft drink every day for a year you will drink 23 kilos of sugar? A recent study found...
How much can the toxins impact your life? A lot. In populations exposed to high amounts of toxins, researchers can often see a pattern of negative health impacts. Over the past 30 years, research has revealed that exposure to...
What are essential Oils? An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled by steam or water from the leaves, stems, flowers, barks, or roots of a plant. Once extracted, the oils can be used for skin treatment,...
Statistics of Alzheimer’s disease in the USA are really shocking. Alzheimer's is a condition thatcauses problems with memory thinking and behaviour - it is the most common form of dementia. In the USA alone, it is estimated that around...
Zika is a dangerous viral infection spread by mosquites, it is possible to get zika also through sexual transmission and mother to fetus during pregnancy. Zika is enormly dangerous viral disease, which has been known to humankind for a...
More than 65% of Americans are overweight to obese. The guilt is mainly eating through fast food. Surveys show that 90% of men in the US have visited McDonalds in the last 3 months. Credit:
Be conscious of the toxic chemicals that may be in the cosmetics and toiletries you use. To reduce your risk of exposure to chemicals that may be linked to cancer or other health problems, try to avoid products containing...
Toxins are found almost everywhere, and schools are not the exception. Do you know which places in your child’s classroom hid the most toxins? credit: photo credit:
Do you know that more than half of people do not wash their hands after riding public transportation, after using shared excercise equipment or handling money? On average, you come in contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing...
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