Various industries apply robots in their work areas. Now it’s agriculture’s turn. The main task of the Solix robot is to control crops to gather valuable information that farmers can continue to process. Engineers in Canada designed and developed the robot in collaboration with the University of Saskatchewan. Now, it’s in the testing phase.

Agricultural Robot

The robotic helper for farmers named Solitex was developed by the agricultural and technical laboratories of Solinftec. They gave the robot the role of a grain inspector. As it travels the terrain, he gathers detailed information on the condition of the crops. Onboard cameras and sensors obtain data on the plants’ current condition and health and search for weeds and signs of pest infestation.


The collected data provide a complete picture of crops’ condition and quality. If the robot detects a problem, it records it on a map and sends it, along with other information, wirelessly to the computers. According to the data, farmers can adjust fertilization, spraying, or watering as well as all other crop care.

 Crop Status Data Collection

The engineers designed Solix to inspect grain regularly and closely for farmers. Throughout the fields, it rides on four wheels on high legs. The robot orients itself with the help of navigation and artificial intelligence.

Regular and better-targeted inspections should increase farmers’ incomes and save money. As a result, automated farming should be more environmentally friendly, as it will be protected from excess or surface fertilization and chemical spraying.

Practical work in the fields will show how challenging the terrain the robot can handle in the coming years. An automated helper could start serving in the fields before the next harvest in 2023. However, it depends on ongoing test results, which are being conducted in collaboration with Canadian farmers and the University of Saskatchewan.

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