TheWhen Abeer Seikaly, an architect of Jordanian- Palestinian descent, has been watching the humanitarian crisis in Syria as a result of the civil war, she proposed a dwelling for people who were forced to flee their homes.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), nearly 14 million Syrian people have been classified as refugees or have been displaced since 2011.

Desired to help people in crisis as a result of the Syrian Civilian War, the architect devised a unique home with many essential functions, which serves as a temporary refuge.

Weaving a Home Design

The construction of the tent is made of thick plastic tubes that are sinusoid welded. The refuge withstands strong cold wind thanks to the double-layer casing. During the warmer months, more cooling air enters the tent.

Other Functions

Seikaly invented more functions in her project, “Weaving a Home.” One of them is the ability to retain rainwater. As water hits the side cover of the tent and flows down the walls, it passes through the filter and then is placed in a collection container located at the top of the tent.

Another feature of the unique home is a solar system, where the tent absorbs solar energy and converts it into electrical energy, which is stored in special batteries at the bottom of the tent.

Project Completion Is Coming

Although the tent is still in development, in 2013, Seikaly received the Lexus Design Award. The architect hopes that the project will be completed as soon as possible and will help refugees around the world.

“I have a vision of communities empowered to cultivate their own wellbeing and dignity; inspiring, practical living spaces in symbiosis with nature,” Seikaly presents her vision of “Weaving a Home” and other projects.

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